Monday, September 30, 2019

An Analysis of ‘a Young Man’s Thought’s Before June 16th’ †Fhazel Johennesse Essay

The historical background to the poem is June 16th 1976. This date marks the Soweto Uprising which was initiated in Soweto by black high school students. The students were protesting against being taught in Afrikaans in their local schools. The demonstration was meant to be peaceful and was secretly planned to avoid discovery by the police. On the morning of June the 16th, thousands of youths gathered with the plan to march to Orlando Stadium to hold a rally to air their grievances. However, their intended route was blocked by riot police, and what had started as a peaceful march turned bloody as police used live ammunition on the protesters. Evidence shows that many protesters were shot in the back as they were running away. [Readers Digest Illustrated History of South Africa, (1988: 440) and Wikipedia (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Soweto_uprising)] The journey that the speaker is going to go on in lines 1 – 2 suggests a struggle and an ultimate goal to be reached. The journey has been planned as the speaker refers to ‘tomorrow’ in line 1. He then talks about the road ‘that winds’. This suggests many twists and turns in the journey, which in turn suggests that the journey will not be an easy or straight-forward one. The words ‘top of the hill’ suggest the end of the journey or the ultimate goal. The final goal or destination will only be reached by means of an uphill struggle. The word ‘only’ is used in line 3 – ‘I take with me only the sweet memories of my youth’. The speaker is ready for his journey and takes with him just what is important – his memories. His memories are his only link to the innocence of his youth, and he knows that the following day, his life is going to change forever – he will lose his childlike innocence and have to face an altered world. The words ‘my heart aches for my mother’ could convey various meanings. The first of these could be that the young man wishes that he did not have to face the day ahead but could go back to the familiarity and security being a child. He is assuming adult responsibilities of having to worry about his mother, and does not feel ready for this. The second possibility is that the young man’s mother is dead and he misses her. This argument could be supported by the previous line ‘I take with me only the sweet memories of my youth’ in that his childhood was a happy time in his life. The final image that could be conveyed by these words is that he knows that there is heartache ahead for his mother in that he does not know what is going to happen at the end of the day, but he does not have a positive feeling about it,. The words ‘my heart aches’ could convey that he regrets the heartache that is ahead for his mother. This could be supported by the words ‘sing my sad song sing for me for my sunset is drenched in red ‘. In many cultures, a woman downturns or averts her eyes in the presence of a young man who could be her suitor as a sign of respect. The ‘old man with a broken brow’ could symbolise a full life (‘old’) and many experiences and challenges (‘broken brow’). Therefore, these individuals and their countenances could symbolise that the young man is, not unrealistically, asking for a normal life with a future (‘woman’) and a fully lived life (‘old man’). An alternative interpretation could be that the young woman’s ‘downtrodden eyes’ symbolises sorrow or shame whilst the old man’s ‘broken brow’ symbolises being broken down or downtrodden. In this case, the two individuals could symbolise that the youth wishes that someone understood what he was about to go through and could give him some comfort. The sunset and the colour red symbolises the end of the young man’s life. Sunset is at the end of the day and could also symbolise the end of life. Red is the colour of blood. The young man feels that the end of the day – sunset – will coincide with the violent end (‘drenched in red’) of his life, as emphasised by the words ‘my sunset’. It is also symbolic that the symbolism of the sunset and the colour red occurs in the last line of the poem as it brings the young man’s life to a close. As outlined in Readers Digest Illustrated History of South Africa, (1988: 440) and in the Wikipedia article (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Soweto_uprising), June the 16th 1976 was the catalyst for political change in South Africa to begin. On this date, thousands of black high school students gathered in Soweto with the intention to march to Orlando Stadium to hold a rally to protest against being taught in Afrikaans in their local schools. The march had been secretly planned to avoid discovery by the police. The day ended in bloodshed and an official death toll of 23 when the police opened fire on the youths. Many protesters were shot in the back as they were running away. The poem is written against this background. The strong theme of the poem is the mental preparations the young man is making for the day ahead – ‘tomorrow I travel on a road’. He is unsure of what is going to happen but suspects that it will not end well. He is reflecting on what is going to happen and expecting the worst. There is no punctuation or capitalization used in the poem. The only deviation from this is the use of the capital ‘I’ that is used when the poet is referring to himself. This adds to the emphasis of the young man as the focal point of the poem. The tone of the poem is poignant and sombre which is reiterated by the use of words like ‘memories’, ‘aches’, ‘sad’, and ‘drenched’. The imagery that is used overall reminds one of a funeral procession, not unlike Christ’s crucifixion, as portrayed in the words ‘road that winds to the top of the hill’. This also brings to mind a feeling of impending sacrifice. This image is further reinforced by the words in line 12 ‘o sing my sad song sing for me’, as this could refer to a funeral hymn. The poet has mentally and physically prepared for the journey ahead as he states in line 3 ‘I take with me only the sweet memories of my youth’. He does, however, have some regrets. He regrets the impact the day is going to have on his mother and he wishes he could be with her, as indicated by the words ‘my heart aches for my mother’ (line 5). Historically, the march was planned in secret and the students did not tell their parents [Wikipedia (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Soweto_uprising)], so the young man would not even be able to share his plans with his mother. He also regrets that he will not get to experience a normal life. The words ‘I ask only for a sad song’ in line 8 symbolise this regret. In line 10, the old man’s age and broken brow represent an experienced life well lived. In line 9, the woman represents the partner that the young man will never have. (In many cultures, a woman will avert her eyes in the presence of her suitor). In the young man’s case, he expects that he will have neither – the words ‘I ask only’ indicate an almost pleading expectation that will not be met. In lines 6 & 7, the poet’s ‘heart aches’ for ‘Friday nights with friends around a table with a broad belch of beer’. He regrets the time with his friends that he will not to share. The poem concludes with the young man asking that he be mourned as line 12 states ‘o sing my sad song sing for me’. This is his request that he be mourned, and for a song to be sung at his funeral. He foresees his death when he says ‘for my sunset is drenched in red’. The sunset represents the end of his life – this is emphasised by the word ‘my’ referring to his life – whilst the imagery of ‘drenched in red’ refers to the amount of blood that will be spilt by the time sunset is reached the following day. June the 16th was a tragic day in South African history, and this poem reflects the sadness of the needless loss of life on that day. It was indeed the catalyst for political change in South Africa. It should always be remembered and used to remind ourselves of where we came from, in order to ensure we never go there again.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Disability Services in College

Before the advent of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American Disabilities Act Title II in 1990, a young adult with either a mental or physical disability had a hard road ahead of them if they chose to continue their education after high school. Colleges typically were not set up for disabled students and could not accommodate special needs. When the special needs student lagged behind because of a specific disability, it was generally considered a shoulder-shrugging â€Å"oh well† sort of thing.Considering that nearly one out of every five people in the United States suffer from some type of disability that impairs his ability to accomplish the daily activities of life, it is somewhat of a sad statement on our society that these Acts were not implemented much earlier in our history. (Treloar 1999 p. 1). In any case, these Acts helped those students who perhaps had tried to hide their disabilities from fear of prejudice or rejection. Few college professors prior to 1973 had any exposure or experience with disabled students, and many of the disabled students were left feeling misunderstood and unable to complete their education.The first step in trying to make the college experience as positive for a disabled student as for a â€Å"normal† student was to attempt to change the public’s perception of the disabled. Typically media images of the disabled evoked sympathy, pity, or even horror from the public. This perception had to be changed in order to show that the disabled students were, at their core, just students trying to get an education. The focus had to be shifted from their disability to how to make their learning experience a positive one.  (Treloar 1999 p. 1).Federally funded colleges â€Å"cannot discriminate against or exclude a qualified person from programs or activities solely on the basis of his or her disability. A qualified student meets the technical and academic qualifications for participation in an educational program or activity. † (Treloar 1999 p. 2). Colleges are expected to make reasonable accommodations so that these otherwise qualified students have the same opportunity to participate as other students.Accommodations may include accessible locations, extended time for test-taking, substitution of nonessential courses for degree requirements, adaptive equipment or technology such as tape-recording classes, or other services such as the use of note takers or readers. (Treloar 1999 p. 3). Though the changes have likely seemed slow in coming to those they affect, the reality is that each year more strides are made to help those with disabilities receive the same college degree as their disability-free counterparts.Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a national law that protects qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability. The critical word in that sentence is â€Å"qualified. † Individuals with disabilities are defined as persons with me ntal or physical impairments which substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities include caring for oneself, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working, performing manual tasks and learning.(United 2006 p. 2).This law applies to any employers or organizations that receive financial assistance from any Federal department or agency, including the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nearly all public and most private colleges are recipients of funds from the Federal Government, therefore fall under the ADA. Section 504 prohibits organizations from â€Å"excluding or denying individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to receive program benefits and services. † (United 2006 p. 2).Therefore, if an individual is hindered in one or more of the above major life activities by a disability, they cannot be excluded from any federally funded organization or employer. The American Disabilities Act prohibits the denial of servic es or benefits on â€Å"specified discriminatory grounds. Just as a government office cannot refuse to issue food stamps or other benefits to an individual on the basis of his or her race, it cannot refuse to provide benefits solely because an individual has a disability. † (ADA 2005 p. 2).An example of this would be that a city could not refuse to admit an individual to a city council meeting that is open to the public merely because the individual is deaf. As related to college students, they cannot be denied participation in any class or activity which they are otherwise qualified for, and must be granted the considerations necessary to complete their education. For instance, a visually impaired student would need to be placed at the front of the class, and all possible accommodations made so that he was able to see what was necessary to complete the class.(ADA 2005 p. 3).Both of these Acts made substantial strides in many areas for those with disabilities, education being only one of them. Despite these strides, however, there are still areas in colleges that need significant improvement in order to fully meet the needs of the disabled students. In 1996 approximately six percent of students enrolled in postsecondary education had disabilities, with the majority of these reporting sensory loss (visual or hearing) or orthopedic conditions.  (Palmer 2000 p. 1).Despite the obvious nature of these disabilities, the actual number one reported problem from the students with disabilities is that there are â€Å"significant deficits in the knowledge of disability rights in a majority of universities and university personnel†¦and that the college students with disabilities need assistance in dealing with complex social interactions such as the request and negotiate demands in the accommodation situation† (Palmer 2000 p. 2).In other words, the problem is not lack of accommodations necessarily, but more that the students with disabilities lack the skills required to state their needs and negotiate the help they require. Another area in which students with disabilities need particular help lies in career guidance services. â€Å"The collegians with disabilities are in greater need of career guidance services than their nondisabled peers. Students with disabilities face attitudinal barriers including lowered expectations, delayed vocational development and unsatisfactory career development support services.† (Benshoff 1990 p. 2).It becomes clear that the Acts passed in the last three decades have been crucial in providing physical, concrete help for students with disabilities, yet the attitudes toward the disabled still exist, even though they may be cloaked in outward helpfulness. The disabled students feel they are severely lacking in career counseling as well as that they face barriers erected from others’ attitudes toward their disabilities. Learning disabilities are much less mentioned than physical disabili ties, yet recent years have shown a significant growth in students with learning issues.In 1998 over 35% of all freshman college students stated they had a learning disability, up from 24% in 1991. This creates a challenge to professors and colleges alike, because many professors prefer that â€Å"all students meet the same set of requirements within the same time period and are ill-prepared either to adapt their instruction to address the individual needs of students or to identify appropriate, fair and reasonable accommodations. † (Thomas 2000 p. 1).This remains an ongoing problem, and one with no easily identifiable answers. Many students, both â€Å"regular† and disabled, take web-based college classes which fit in with their busy lives and schedules better, in many cases, than the traditional classroom. While physical barriers are â€Å"obvious accessibility concerns confronting students with disabilities,† web page developers must be aware that online barr iers can also cause accessibility problems for disabled users. (Flowers 2000 p. 2).Web page developers need to be very aware of those users with disabilities and follow the standards set that allow more accessibility to students with disabilities. There are many new technologies which allow students to access information such as Braille output systems for the visually impaired, modified keyboards, screen enlargements and voice output utilities. Web developers can provide alternative ways to access information presented with â€Å"images, sounds, applets and scripts. † (Flowers 2000 p.3).Though we are a nation of internet users, the disabled student has special issues regarding the web that must be addressed. When all is said and done, it must be remembered that â€Å"positive classroom experiences in college are critical to successful inclusion of students with disabilities in the campus community. Faculty relationships are known to have a pivotal effect on whether at risk s tudents, like students with disabilities, are embraced in the college environment. † (Smith 2004 p. 1).Instructors need to be able to develop a safe atmosphere where all students can express their own life experiences and look at the differences between one another. In this type of an atmosphere all students can talk about the issues they find most relevant in their personal lives, leading to an atmosphere much more conducive to learning. Students with disabilities sometimes have difficulty absorbing the lectures by their professors, but if they feel like they are in an environment where they can safely express their concerns, the satisfaction level tends to go up significantly.In a study done at Baylor University, three of the issues disabled students felt to be most important to their success were: counseling which included an in-depth assessment of the student’s requirements and needs, caring people who offered a solid support system, and extra time on their tests. S tudy skills, time management and a solid sense of security in their environment were other issues these students felt were of great importance to their success. (Smith 2004 p.4).There are many groups who seek to help students with disabilities, such as the National Association of Blind Students, College and Career Programs for Deaf Students, and CHADD, a leading non-profit organization for both children and adult students with ADHD. One group, known as AHEAD or Association on Higher Education And Disability, is a group committed to â€Å"full participation of persons with disabilities in post secondary education. † (Smith 2004 p. 5).AHEAD values such things as diversity, personal growth and creativity in those with disabilities, while promoting leadership in this same group. AHEAD seeks to stay abreast of current issues regarding disabilities, education and accessibility for those with disabilities. Since 1977 AHEAD has excelled in delivering quality training to those with di sabilities and actively addresses disability issues on campuses. There are many challenges and issues facing disabled college students.Thanks to the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act, the actual physical challenges have lessened immensely for students and great strides have been made in accommodating physical disabilities in most all areas of classrooms, dorms, library, parking and cafeteria. More work needs to be done, however on the mental disability issue, as there tends to be more negativity and stigma attached to mental disabilities than physical, and colleges still have a ways to go to accommodate these students.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Advanced Systems Design Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Advanced Systems Design Project - Essay Example The device will have a paralyzed robot that will be in a position to reach a certain point via a lee way that can be determined before the implementation of the system. The device will not be in a position to move, therefore, the device will be limited to the help of the emitting signals. For the device to be pushed in a certain section, the operator will control the rewuest of the machine by emiting the signals from various sections. To carry out the task the operators will be in a position to carry out the perception of the system that will be used in determining the error of the paper. The device will also have the two signal emitters for the carriage which are aimed at attracting the mobile robors and in transmitting the forces required to move the device in various directions. The signal intensity is dependent of the translation and rotation that is needed by the agent to move it in their prospected direction. The automatic device instrument will function by detecting the latitu de and altitudes through various processes. The detection of the energy that will be emitted will be important in coming up with topographical maps. However the device will only be able to detect a specific location that it will cover for the map. The efficiency of the device will vary from one instrument to the other. It is assumed that the device will only be able to see specific sections of the landscape. Therefore, it will be important to extrapolate the right landscape from the one that is tabulated.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Religion and Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religion and Science - Essay Example According to Robinson (2010), the caste system was â€Å"abolished by law in 1949, but remains a significant force among Hindus throughout much of India† (par. 2). The system, then, determines and defines the type of profession a person undertakes. Pharmacy today encounters diverse issues which conflict with religious practices. Some religions do not accept prescriptions for contraceptive bills due to abortion related concerns. In an article written by Lagorio (2004, pars. 4 & 5), â€Å"across the country, more and more pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions for religious reasons. South Dakota, Arkansas and Mississippi even have refusal clauses on the books. And 13 other states are considering mixing medicine with morality†. The role of pharmacists in current society is critical in ensuring that patients are duly educated on the medications they take. Pharmacists are â€Å"responsible for ordering and dispensing drugs and medications, and advising both patients and doctors about possible drug interactions.   They also consult with patients to make sure that patients understand how to use their prescription drugs as well as which side effects might occur as a result of these medications† (QandAs, n.d., par. 2). As such, they should be objective but respectful of the cultural and religious orientation of the patients they serve. For people who are not covered by prescription insurance plans, the most that pharmacists can do is to determine from among the list of generic medicines which is available at the minimum cost without sacrificing efficacy of the medications. For pharmacists who are faced with the dilemma of balancing religion and science, the advice of Liz Ryan is simply to find another job, if possible. From her article, she averred that â€Å"the issue with pharmacists is trickier, involving, as it does, the uncomfortable implication that the religious beliefs of one group should somehow trump the legal

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Essay - 13

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Essay Example The operations carried out at America, China, and United Kingdom was very successful. It provides online shopping opportunity to its customers. Its main objective is to provide better life to its customers with the help of the donations in kind. Wal-Mart is managed by Walton family as it is a family owned business. It has around 2.2 million employees across the world. Corporate level mainly deals with framing the mission and vision of the organization and planning accordingly to reach the desired goal. It formulates different strategies which are required for attainment of objectives of the company. The Functional level objectives are derived from that of the corporate level. This level develops coordination between the corporate and business unit level. In this complex environment of the business, the strategies are required to be formulated. This strategy is very well defined as in this level the marketing strategy will be further divided between the sales. The strategy in this level helps in the attainment of functional objectives of the organization (Hoskisson, Hitt and Ireland, 2012). Strategic management is required for the growth of the organization. It helps in the formulation of effective business environment. Business strategy is compared and formulated with the five forces that build competition. The strategic position of the company can be determined by the business level strategy. Wal-Mart adopts competitive advantage by delivering unique product to its customers by providing a standardized product at a lowest competitive price. The company can select any one from the given strategies to gain competitive advantage by delivering uniqueness in the product and lowering down the cost. The retail industry focuses on the cost leadership strategy to sustain in the market and narrowing the competitive scope. When the company provides unique product the customers will be willing to pay a premium for the product. Corporate level refers to the strategy

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Integrated marketing communication Literature review

Integrated marketing communication - Literature review Example An advertising message that highlights the unique capability of the Fiat 500 to upgrade to an electric car delivered on billboards outside of retail stores, on buses and outside of underground stations will present heightened consumer interest cheaply to enhance the effectiveness of the marketing communications mix. Moreover, communication of marketing information can be enhanced through the website for Fiat 500 through which more information can be delivered to the customers in the most convenient and interactive manner. Integrated marketing communication on the automobile will also involve images and messages on social media, electronic mail, print and broadcast media which communicated the same idea which aims at promoting the product to the customers in a convincing manner. Marketing communication is essential in the promotion of a product and integrating the promotional messages and images in all promotional tools provides the most effective way of creating an impact within the market. Every individual, business, company or organisation has a need to communicate, but it is important to remember that competitiveness and communication are highly correlated in the real world because without effective communication, it is impossible to convince others to buy (Pattuglia, 2011, Pp. 5 – 10) and (Percy, 2008, Pp. 5 – 10). This paper is a report on integrated marketing communication of Fiat 500 to the market which includes a situational analysis of the automobile, the objectives of the marketing campaign, tactics, actions taken, control and a marketing idea. According to the Automotive Design and Production (2011, p. 43), the performance of Fiat 500 has fallen below expectations and the target goals. For example in the third quarter of 2011, the company sold 21, 300 automobiles which is far less as compared to the 40, 000 goal. The decreased

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Music Appreciation of Brandenburg Concerto by Johann Sebastian Bach Essay

Music Appreciation of Brandenburg Concerto by Johann Sebastian Bach - Essay Example The prominent musicians in the Baroque period were Claudio Monteverdi, Antonio Vivaldi, Georg Frederic Handel, Arcangelo Corelli etc, of which the most important was Johann Sebastian Bach. The paper at hand is a music appreciation of J S Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto, which was composed by him for the Calvinist chapel of the court that promoted instrumental music. The Baroque period is unique in terms of its various characteristic traits including its mood, melody, rhythm, texture, articulation, dynamics, style, basso continuo, timbre etc. The Brandenburg Concertos is primarily a collection of six movements and here the focus is on movement number one. Thus, this paper tries to use these elements and show how J S Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos is representative of Baroque music. Although the exact date of composition of the Brandenburg Concertos is still a mystery, it is known that Johann Sebastian Bach presented them to the Margrave of Brandenburg in the year 1721. What ma kes this piece Baroque is mainly its composition in that period, however for modern people, it is important to know the exact features that make the concertos an apt example of Baroque music. First of all, the most distinct feature of Baroque music is probably its unity of mood, this means that the mood remains same throughout the composition. Now in case of the Brandenburg Concertos, one can see that this is true, as the first movement of the concertos has a kind of happy mood from beginning till the end. Therefore, a single expression or mood is projected and presented till the second movement, and this predominantly makes the Brandenburg Concertos characteristic of Baroque music. When one analyses the melody of the pieces composed during the Baroque area, they find that the melodic idea basically remains the same throughout the whole piece. There is a continuity that can be felt when one listens to Baroque music, and this is especially so in case of the Brandenburg concertos. The audience will find that the opening melody is followed till the end of that piece. Despite the fact that Baroque music is usually elaborate and complex, there is only a minimal use of the piano’s extreme notes and, furthermore, it is seen that there is no use of the technique of pedalling either. So in overall, the Baroque music gives off a very complicated vibe with a lot of ornamental notes, however, the listener can still recognize the distinct theme the musician is trying to reach out to him or her. In case of the rhythmic aspect of the music composed during the Baroque era, the listener will find that the rhythmic patterns are mostly repeated throughout the piece. Thus, in Brandenburg Concertos’ first movement, the audience can find that the melody has a distinct theme and at the same time the rhythm is often continuous too, that is, the â€Å"lively rhythm† patterns are reiterated in the course of the composition (GCSE Music, n.d., p.9). Therefore, it can be said that Baroque music has a continuous or constant rhythmic drive, where the beat and pulse of the song are clear as well as distinct and, furthermore, the song consists of regular rhythms, which at times are dotted. Focusing on the texture of the Baroque music, it becomes clear that such music mainly consists of polyphonic or contrapuntal texture. The piece of composition under study is reminiscent of baroque music as it is made up of different melodies that are played simultaneously. As opposed to playing one melody at a time, Baroque music is very complex in the sense that it plays polyphonic, which is two or more melodic lines played

Monday, September 23, 2019

Situating the Situationist International Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Situating the Situationist International - Essay Example ench faction started to adopt the concept of â€Å"constructed situation.† The members of the S.I were outraged by cultural capitalizations and economic markets. These were perceived to be the hijackers of aesthetic experience. In 1958, S.I co-founder Guy Debord and a section of the rest of the group decided to sabotage the International Assembly of Art Critics which was taking place in Belgium. They condemned the commercialization and institutionalization of art by the event, and called for subversive and new aesthetic ideologies. The approaches used by the S.I included the use of protesting text, hand-out copies, forcing themselves into press meetings and clubs, and throwing of pamphlets into crowds. They also used to throw leaflets from buildings into cars and over windows. These approaches still live with the present day representation and politics. Situationism has, however, evolved. In the middle of the 20th Century, situationism aimed at redesigning its context and the attitude of the public with the purpose of achieving integration and to have anyone enjoy the art world. Newer methods and re-appropriations of situationist methods are both aesthetically and politically successful. The devised methods have been more successful in exposing or opposing deceptions of capitalism than the ill-fated earlier methods where artists found themselves ignored, crushed or scorned. The interventions of the Situationist international have a mild impact both aesthetically and politically. Newer methods and re-appropriations have been, however, more successful than the historically devised ones. The author of this anthology seeks to emphasize on the S.I’s engagement with cultural politics and art of their time during the 20th Century. He builds majorly on their activist and political stance and the interaction of Guy Debord with other members of the group. Published in 2004, this book supplements both political and aesthetic sections. It also provides some hard-to-find

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hamlet Essay Example for Free

Hamlet Essay Act 1- Scene 1 The first entrance of the ghost is made impressive because Marcellus and Bernardo only told Horatio about them seeing the ghost in the two nights before during their watch. Horatio did not believe them â€Å"Horatio says ‘tis but our fantasy and will not let belief take hold of him touching this sight twice seen of us;† (1.1.23-25) What makes the siting of the ghost so important is that the two guard believe it to be the ghost of the dead King Hamlet. When the ghost appears and Horatio asks it to speak the ghost suddenly disappears. In its second exit the ghost returns and again they ask it to speak but as it spreads its arms the cockcrows and the ghost disappears yet again not saying anything. A superstition that is connected with the ghost is that the guards believe that it is the ghost of the dead King that is trying to warn them of some impending misfortune for Denmark. Act 1 – Scene 2 The new King Claudius attempts to justify his marriage to the Queen by giving a speech to his courtiers, explaining his recent marriage to Queen, his brother’s widow and the mother of Prince Hamlet. Claudius says that he mourns his brother but has chosen to balance Denmark’s mourning with the delight of his marriage. â€Å"With mirth in funeral, and dirge in marriage, in equal scale weighing delight and dole, taken to wife.† (1.2.12-14) In his soliloquy Hamlet expresses that he wishes he could die. He wishes that God had not made suicide a sin. He is also thinking about how it is possible for his mother to have move on after two short month that his father has been gone. When the line â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman† (1.3.146) is spoken he is referring of his mother because just two months ago his father and her husband died and now she has just moved on to his fathers brother because she is weak and will not make it on her own or w ithout a husband and he finds that shaming. Act 1- Scene 3 1.Laertes believes that Hamlets relationship with Ophelia is not true, because someone of his ranking can not love someone like Ophelia because he is too far above her to love her honourably. Since Hamlet is not only responsible for his feelings but also the role that he will one day play as King Laertes believe that it will be impossible for Hamlet to ever marry Ophelia. Before he leaves he tell her to make sure she does not fall in love with him. â€Å"Fear it, Ophelia, fear it, my dear sister, and keep you in the rear of your affections, out of the shot and danger of desire† (1.3.33-35) 2.Polonius has the same opinion of Laertes, and forbids Ophelia to associate with Hamlet anymore. He tells her that Hamlet has deceived her in swearing his love, and that she should see through his false vows â€Å"Affection pooh! You speak like a green girl, unsifted in such perilous circumstances. Do you believe his tenders, as you call them?† (1.3.101-03) Act 1- Scene 4 †¢Horatio, Marcellus, and Hamlet are keeping watch outside the class, while Hamlet tells the two men that the King has been spending his night drinking alcohol and how he believe that he is tarnishing the Danish people. †¢The ghost appears and calls out to Hamlet to follow him. †¢Even though Horatio and Marcellus tell him not to go and consider that the ghost could harm him Hamlet decides to follow the ghost anyways †¢Hamlet does not care if his life is in danger and follow the ghost off into the darkness †¢Horatio believes that Hamlet is now in the hands of God but Marcellus thinks that they should follow Hamlet and try to protect him, so the two set off after Hamlet and the ghost Act 1- Scene 5 In this scene King Hamlet reveals to his son that his death was cause by foul play and it was a murder. â€Å"Murder most foul, as in the best it is, but this most foul, strange and unnatural.† (1.5.27-28) The King then tells Hamlet that is was his very own brother that killed him. Now Hamlet, hear. Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, a serpent stung me. So the whole ear of Denmark is by a forged process of my death rankly abused. But know, thou noble youth, the serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown. (1.5.34-39 The ghost of the King tells Hamlet to â€Å"leave her to heaven† (1.5.86) which means he does not want Hamlet to do anything to his mother because the King realizes that she has been tainted by Claudius.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ideology vs. united church of Canada’s advertisement Essay Example for Free

Ideology vs. united church of Canada’s advertisement Essay Ideology is a ‘Representation’ of the Imaginary Relationship of Individuals to their Real Conditions of Existence Louis Althusser, 1970 Many companies use advertisement as their way of attracting customers. They tend to create ideological perspective within their advertisements to show their stand on the society’s standards. Most of the time, advertisements are made for women. If men and babies’ needs were advertised, women are still part of it. It shows that in the ideology of the society, women are the determiner or the decision-maker of what should be use as a necessity or luxury. This is what advertisement for, it radicalize the essence of what is important and necessary. Advertising is significant because, in consumer capitalism, individuals depend on it for meanings a source of social information embedded in commodities that mediate interpersonal relations and personal identity. Advertising should therefore be conceived as an important institution in the consumer society because it produces patterned systems of meaning which play a key role in individual socialization and social reproduction. However, in the context of ideology and advertisement as a whole, advertisements are made because we want to prove something or we want to impose a law on a certain aspect of the society. Through this, we could be able to spread our ideas and perspectives towards different issues and arguments that exist in the society today. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze a certain advertisement in connection to the Ideological State Apparatus of Louis Althusser to determine its meaning and rationalization. The chosen advertisement is a child advertisement. The advertisement showed a picture of a baby with a medical wristband stating â€Å"WARNING: some re-assembly of priorities and beliefs may be required. † This advertisement suggests that parenthood is not an easy thing. As parents, people tend to view life more seriously. Once a baby is born, everything will change not according to plan but according to responsibility. Wandercafe. ca stated in the advertisement that â€Å"parenthood changes everything – including how you view the world. † Most often, this scenario happens if the baby is a wanted child because if it is not, parents tend to disregard their responsibility towards their children especially the fathers. Nevertheless, being a parent is a gift from God as we all know. In the perspective of the society and our culture, we view parenthood as a form of required responsibility. Once a child is born, we need to settle our priorities as based on the needs of the child and would not focus on our necessities and luxuries. In poor families, even if the parents could not eat, as long as their child has its milk, problem would not exist. This situation shows that parents can do everything and anything just to make their child safe and healthy. This is what the advertisement is trying to impose – parenthood is an obligation that should be taken into consideration because it requires re-assemble of priorities and beliefs. In the perspective of ideology and advertisement, this advertisement can be said as part of the Ideological State Apparatus (ISA). According to Louis Althusser (1970), an Ideological State Apparatus is a certain number of realities which present themselves to the immediate observer in the form of distinct and specialized institution. Because the advertisement came from the people of the United Church of Canada, it can be said as a religious Ideological State Apparatus. He also stated that the distinction of ISAs from (Repressive) State Apparatus is that the Repressive State Apparatus functions ‘by violence’, whereas the ideology State Apparatus function ‘by ideology’. This is the fact that the (Repressive) State Apparatus functions massively and predominantly by repression (including physical repression), while functioning secondarily by ideology. (There is no such thing as a purely repressive apparatus.)†¦ In the same way, but inversely, it is essential to say that for their part the Ideological State Apparatuses function massively and predominantly by ideology, but they also function secondarily by repression, even if ultimately, but only ultimately, this is very attenuated and concealed, even symbolic. (Althusser 1970) Advertisement has different impact to society and its institutions such as education, culture, and religion. In the chosen advertisement, these three factors exist as they give contribution to the perspective and ideology of the ad. It was seen through different aspects and reasons. In the institution of education, this advertisement educate people especially parents to become aware with their responsibilities and obligations towards their child or children because it was the most important thing that should be taken into account. When it comes to culture, it shows the stand of the society when it comes to parenthood because this is part of the culture – parents should abide by the rule of the law that they should love their children for they have conceived them. In the religious institution or the church, this advertisement shows what is right in opposition to evil. Church stated that parents should do their obligations not by their choice but by the rule of the church because it was the teaching of God. In the pre-capitalist historical period which I have examined extremely broadly, it is absolutely clear that there was one dominant Ideological State Apparatus, the Church, which concentrated within it not only religious functions, but also educational ones, and a large proportion of the functions of communications and ‘culture’. It is no accident that all ideological struggle, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, starting with the first shocks of the Reformation, was concentrated in an anti-clerical and anti-religious struggle; rather this is a function precisely of the dominant position of the religious Ideological State Apparatus. (Althusser 1970) In the chosen advertisement, Church is dominant and ‘repressive’ in some angle because it tried to impose a law or a rule. It was shown in the medical wristband of the baby. Using the word â€Å"warning† is an implication of notice that there must be an action to consider. The ideology of the advertisement is actually true when it comes to responsibilities of the parents but the Church overpowers the parents on what they should do and act. Though it was just a simple warning, capitalism can be seen based on its attack and point of justification. As a whole, the advertisement means more than what it wanted to say. The ideology of the church can be said as a form of repression or simply a justification of what is true as based on the standard of the society. Advertisement has different meanings based on the perceiver. It was the audience’s obligation to perceive the advertisement on their own context and ideology. Ideology is innate for all of us. It should not be taken for granted because it is an armor of our thinking, rights, and stand towards the rules and laws of the society. Culture, education, and church are underlying institutions that we need to consider in analyzing a certain advertisement because these factors are the most important aspects of humanity whether we oppose or consider their specificities from the past, present, and future civilization. Works Cited Althousser, Louis. Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. La Pensee, 1970. 27 November 2007 http://www. marxists. org/reference/archive/althusser/1970/ideology. htm Wandercafe. ca. baby. 27 November 2007 www. wandercafe. ca Harms, John and Kellner, Douglas. â€Å"Toward A Critical Theory of Advertising. † Illumination. (n. d. ) 27 November 2007 http://www. uta. edu/huma/illuminations/kell6. htm.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysis of Biochemical Compounds in ‘gynura Procumbens’

Analysis of Biochemical Compounds in ‘gynura Procumbens’ Extraction of Biochemical Compounds in ‘gynura Procumbens’ Using 3 Mixture Design and Gcms Name : Syazliana Syamira Binti Hashim NOVEMBER 2014 Gynura procumbens or known locally in Malaysia as ‘Sambung Nyawa’ or in chinese, it is called ‘Nan Hui Ye’ is a plant that was found in South East Asia usually inThailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.This plant belongs to the Asteraceae Family.It is a famous traditional herb in South East Asia for the treatment of diabetic, high cholesterol level, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney discomfort and inflammation.The present study aims to study the antidiabetic activity of Gynura procumbens leaves to manage diabetes and to study the potential toxicity for many of the biochemical compounds in this plant leaves by using the three mixture design and analysis by CGMS technique. In a mixture experiment, the independent factors are proportions of different components of a blend. The fact that the properties of the different factors must sum to 100% complicates the design as well as the analysis of mixture experiments.In this work,a mixture design will be applied to optimize solvent mixtures for selective extraction of biochemical compounds from Gynura procumbens leaves.Pressurized solvent extractions(PSE) will be performed at 313K and 20MPa,using homogeneous,ethanol(EtOH) and O solvent mixtures.The operating conditions to extract biochemical compounds from Gynura procumbens leaves will be optimized.The ranges of extraction temperatures and pressures are 25 60 and 8 – 25MPa, respectively.GC coupled with MS detection will be used to characterize the extracts. Introduction The modern lifestyle has become a major threat to the health of people around the world.There are many cases that involve arteriosclerosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus and cancers and these diseases remind us about our unhealthy lifestyles and thus give rise in circulatory system diseases such as hypertension, pre-hypertension and heart disease in developed countries (Johnson and Turner, 2005; Kearney et al., 2005). From the previous time,plants have often been used to cure human diseases (Stepp and Moerman,2001; Yesilada, 2005).Today,with the arising threat of intractable diseases,a research is to focus on the finding bioactive molecules from plants(Amos et al.,2003; Fatehi et al.,2005).The one such plant is ‘Sambung Nyawa’ or its scientific name is Gynura procumbens is a member of the Asteraceae family(Wiart,2002). Gynura procumbens is commonly used as a traditional medicinal plant in Malaysia to treat many diseases. Recently, the use of herbal medicines for complementary treatments of some diseases has been popular and researchers have shown that these herbs are commonly used by cancer patients to manage their diseases (Riboli and Norat, 2003; Van Duijnhoven et al., 2009). Pharmacologic studies also have proved that Gynura procumbens possesses anti-herpes simplex virus, (Nawawi et al.,1999), anti-ulcerogenic activities (Mahmood et al., 2010) anti-inflammatory (Iskander et al.,2002), and anticancer properties(Agustina et al.,2006). Problem Statement : Gynura procumbens had been given attention in the pharmacology of antidiabetic medicinal plants probably because of its solid evidences and efficiency in the traditional management of diabetes mellitus.But in contrast,the scientific reports on the antidiabetic activity of this plant had their own conflicts and inconsistent.For example,Zhang and Tan had reported that 95% ethanol extract improved glucose tolerance in STZ-induced diabetic rats, but not in normal rats(Zhang and Tan).These authors also reported that its aqueous extract to exert significant anti hyperglycemic action in STZ-induced diabetic rats.But after that,Akowuah et al., on the contrary indicated its glucose lowering effect in normal rats(Akowuah et al.,2001).In the most recent study, the extract of Gynura procumbens was reported to generate significant elevation in the fasting blood glucose(FBG) levels of normal rats but a decrease in diabetic rats(Hassan et al.,2010). Eventhough Gynura procumbens is useful in the treatment of many ailments,however there is a little toxicological information that is available regarding to the safety due to the repeated exposure.Thus,a study need to be conducted to improve these reports and give more useful informations about its widespread uses.Therefore,the present research is to study the antidiabetic activity of Gynura procumbens leaves to manage diabetes and also to study the potential toxicity for many of the biochemical compounds in Gynura procumbens leaves. Objectives : To study the antidiabetic activity of Gynura procumbens leaves to manage diabetes. To study the potential toxicity for many of the biochemical compounds in Gynura procumbens leaves. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 General Overview of Gynura procumbens Gynura procumbens that is well-known in South East Asia has traditionally been used to cure rash, eruptive fevers, kidney disease, constipation, migraines, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cancer(Perry,1980).Recently, pharmacological studies have state that this plant has anti-hyperglycaemic(Akowuah et al.,2001; Akowuah et al.,2002),anti-hyperlipidaemic(Zhang and Tan,2000),anti-inflammatory(Iskander et al.,2002) and blood hypertension reduction capabilities(Lam et al.,1998; Kim et al.,2006). The advantages of the traditional use of Gynura procumbens leaves have been supported the isolation and identification of several possible active chemical constituents from this herb, including flavonoids, tannins, saponins and terpenoids(Akowuah et al.,2002).Gynura procumbens is usually used as a traditional medicinal plant in Malaysia to cure many ailments. It is an annual ever- green shrub with a fleshy stem and purple tint.In Malaysia,this plant is called as ‘Sambung nyawa’, and it is commonly used in South-East Asia,especially in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. In spite of the various uses over long time periods, little toxicological information is available regarding safety following repeated exposure to Gynura procumbens. Currently, Malaysian authorities are paying more attention to the safety and potential toxicity of botanicals, including medical plants and edible materials. Therefore,the objective of the present study was to provide scientific data on the safety of Gynura procumbens, that focus on the acute and 90days (13weeks) sub-chronic toxicity of a methanol extract that was orally administered to Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Gynura procumbens has recently received particular attention in the pharmacology of antidiabetic medicinal plants,probably because of its admitted empirical evidence and efficiency in the traditional management of diabetes mellitus.Besides that, these study designs are not targeted at natural product discovery or production of standardized herbal forms. Satisfactory research on medicinal plants beyond screening for biological activity should be conducted with the objective to systematically standardize and possess them into natural products or dosage forms which should effectively complement or supplement existing conventional measures(Ali et al.,2012). 2.2 Current Research of Gynura procumbens There is currently a good deal of research interest to utilize plant compounds against human diseases, that includes hypertension. The present study investigated the effects of different extracts and fractions from leaves of Gynura procumbens on rat atrial contraction in vitro. Isolated left and right atria were mounted in a 20-ml organ bath and they were allowed to equilibrate for 15 minutes before the application of the extracts or fractions. The extracts ( methanol extract (ME) and petroleum-ether extract (PE) ) and the fractions (chloroform fraction(CHL), ethyl-acetate fraction (EA), n-butanol fraction (NB) and water fraction (WA) of the methanol extract) were tested at three concentrations (0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/ml), with a b-adrenergic agonist (isoprenaline) as a control. All the data on the contraction responses were log-transformed and had been analyzed. When exposed to the different extracts, both atria tended to exhibit greater contractive responses with the NB whereas cardiac contractions had a tendency to be reduced with most other extracts. For a given extract, the contraction responses were particularly greater at 0.5 mg/ml for the right atrium and at 1 mg/ml for the left atrium. For the further analysis is to focus on the NB fraction revealed that positive inotropism was greater in left atria exposed to highly-concentrated F2 and F3 sub-fractions. Taken together,the results suggest that NB extracts and fractions from the Gynura procumbens-leaf methanol extract have positive inotropic activities and, hence, can be considered as an alternative or traditional medicine against increased blood pressure in humans or can be used in strategies aimed at finding antihypertensive biomolecules from an accessible source. In each of these studies, the approach was not bioassay directed, an approach basis to the discovery of novel natural products from their natural sources and or to increase their standardization preparation to formulate into dosage forms for human usage after clinical trials. In summary, there is little analysis on the importance of the different extracts and fractions of Gynura procumbens on heart tissues. Therefore, the present study examined the effects of Gynura procumbens leaves extracts and fractions of the active extract on the contraction of left and right atria (LA and RA, respectively) isolated from Sprague Dawley (SD) rats with the aim of exploring the possibilities of its standardization or industrial scaling up for natural products against hypertension. 2.3 Functions of Gynura procumbens In South-East Asia, this plant is widely distributed and has often been used to treat diseases. In Indonesia, leaves of the Compositae family are routinely used for treatment in kidney diseases, eruptive fevers, rash, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia(Perry,1980). In Thailand, where this plant is empirically used against topical inflammation, rheumatism, and viral ailments, Iskander and colleagues have reported the anti-inflammatory actions of its extracts(Iskander et al.,2002). Recently, pharmacological investigations in Singapore have shown that extracts of Gynura procumbens reduced serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats(Zhang and Tan,2000). In Malaysia, evidence exists that Gynura procumbens has antidiabetic properties(Akowuah et al.,2001; Bohari et al.,2006). In this country, the currency of hypertension is high, but the levels of awareness, control, and treatment are still low(Rampal et al.,2008).This species has been used as a traditional medicine to treat inflammation, cancer, rheumatism, and viral infections. Among the various ethnobotanical practices of this plant, the application as a poultice for diverse skin diseases was found to be a universal usage in many countries (Perry, 1980). The leaves of this plant are not toxic(Rosidah et al., 2009). Gynura procumbensfrom Asteraceae family has been used as a traditional remedy for various skin diseases in certain areas of Southeast Asia(Junoh et al.,2011). 2.4 Related Diseases There were many attempts to control increased blood pressure that have been used as strategies to control arterial hypertension(Collins et al.,1990; Lang et al.,2001). Eventhough the treatment of arterial hypertension has been shown to be quite efficacious in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity (Collins et al.,1990), hypertension control at the population level has been generally considered as not enough yet. In the United Kingdom, for instance, 94% of hypertensive patients still have their blood pressure higher than the normal(Colhoun et al.,1998), whereas in the United States, there is only 27% had a normal blood pressure following treatment(Burt et al.,1995). This intractability of hypertension has not changed, and recently there is a noticeable increase in hypertension cases(Kearney et al.,2004); about 26% of adults worldwide in 972 million are known to have hypertension(Kearney et al.,2005). Current optimism based on pharmacological therapy, which consists of developing drug formulations, is severely impeded by drug interactions, dose dependence, and adverse effects such as the possibility of depression. All in all,it is clear that the development of alternative strategies complementary to existing control methods is needed. 2.5 Acute and Sub-chronic Toxicity The Gynura procumbens methanol extract was suspended in 1% (w/v) carboxylmethylcellulose (CMC) and it was administered orally (1250, 2500, and 5000 mg/kg) in single doses to both female and males rats (n = 10; 5 males and 5 females). The rats need to fast overnight due to dosing. The general behaviour of the rat was continuously monitored for 1 hour after dosing, periodically during the first 24 hour (with special attention given during the first 4 hour), and daily thereafter for a total of 14 days. All animals were humanely killed by inhalation after 14 days.The selected vital organs were excised, weighed, and macroscopically examined(Ghosh,1984). Healthy rats of both sexes were randomly assigned to control and treatment groups (n = 10; 5 males and 5 females). The Gynura procumbens methanol extract was suspended in 1% CMC and administered orally on a daily basis for 90 days (13 weeks) at doses of 125, 250, or 500mg/kg. Based on the report by Suharmiati (2003), traditional healers typically prescribe seven leaves each day for an adult, which is equivalent to a 125 mg/day dose. Therefore, doses ranging from of 125–500mg/(kg day) were selected as the tested doses. All rats were anesthetized under inhalation at the end of 13 weeks. Blood samples were collected via cardiac puncture into non-heparinized and EDTA containing tubes for biochemical and haematological analyses, respectively (Winarto, 2003; Petterino and Argentino-Storino, 2006). After cardiac puncture, the rats were killed by clavicle dislocation.Those vital organs were excised, weighed, and macroscopically examined and then they were fixed in 10% formalin for hi stopathological study. 2.6 Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes causes oxidative stress through the autooxidation of glucose, protein glycation and lipid peroxidation; and as a consequence, structural and functional alterations occur in the lungs of diabetics, as well as other organs like the heart, brain, eyes and kidneys. There is growing, well-established evidence regarding such changes in diabetic lungs(Gulay et al.,2014). Oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, contributing not only to the development, but also to the progression of diabetes and its related complications. The immunosuppressive and antioxidant effects of resveratrol in attenuating the increased oxidative stress due to responses of ÃŽ ²-cells to leukocyte activation have been implicated in the prevention of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Resveratrol affords advantageous effects by decreasing the oxidative injury and the recruitment of the nutritive precapillary arterioles in the context of disease states associated with insulin re sistance, such as metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Globally, more than 366 million individuals currently live with diabetes mellitus, with this figure expected to rise to 552 million by 2030 (Whiting et al., 2011). The World Health Organization estimates that around 1.1 million deaths occur per year as a result of the disease (World Health Organization, 2011). There are around 2.9 million individuals in England currently have diagnosed with diabetes, a currency of 4.5% (NHS The Information Centre, 2011). Projections for England estimate that by 2030 over 4.5 million people will be living with diabetes (APHO, 2011). The number of individuals that are living with diabetes means that if there was found to be an excess in mortality caused by the disease, this could result in a large number of premature deaths. The relation between diabetes and increased all-cause death, particularly from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and renal disease, is well recognized. C There is a limited amount of evidence relating to diabetes and respiratory disease mortality (Dawson et al., 2008;De Marco et al., 1999andMurugan and Sharma, 2008).Current evidence suggests a biological link between inflammation, reduced levels of adiponectin within the body and the development of diabetes and respiratory disease (Sevenoaks Stockley, 2006). De Marco et al. concluded that these may be caused by differences in the severity of diabetes or differing in national treatment cultures (De Marco et al., 1999). Therefore, research is required that further explores the relation between diabetes and mortality from cancer and respiratory disease. Current research indicates that, for mortality from a number of causes, it may be diabetes-related comorbidities that increase an individuals risk of death rather than the diabetes itself. ( Mohammadi et al., 2007) Morbidity and mortality of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is closely related to development of cardiovascular disease (Haffner et al.,1998). Although the manifestations and complications of diabetes mellitus have been extensively studied, the knowledge regarding the effects of diabetes on bone mineral metabolism is still limited and inconsistent. Since Albright and Reifenstein(Anwar et al.,2008)first reported the occurrence of osteoporosis in patients with poorly controlled diabetes in 1948, many authors have attempted to describe alterations of bone mineralization in diabetic subjects by using various techniques and biochemical markers(Asbun and Villareal,2006). The types of diabetes caused by other conditions or found in increased frequency with other conditions (imply an etiologie relationship) be considered a third subclass of diabetes mellitus that is the diabetes that associated with certain conditions and syndromes. This subclass has been divided according to the known or suspected etiologie relationships.The class gestational diabetes has been restricted to women in whom glucose intolerance develops or is discovered during pregnancy (National Diabetes Data Group,1979).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pragmatic Literary Criticism :: Literature Essays Literary Criticism

Pragmatic Literary Criticism      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pragmatic criticism is concerned, first and foremost, with the ethical impact any literary text has upon an audience. Regardless of art's other merits or failings, the primary responsibility or function of art is social in nature. Assessing, fulfilling, and shaping the needs, wants, and desires of an audience should be the first task of an artist. Art does not exist in isolation; it is a potent tool for individual as well as communal change. Though pragmatic critics believe that art houses the potential for massive societal transformation, art is conspicuously ambivalent in its ability to promote good or evil. The critical project of pragmatic criticism is to establish a moral standard of quality for art. By establishing artistic boundaries based upon moral/ethical guidelines, art which enriches and entertains, inspires and instructs a reader with knowledge of truth and goodness will be preserved and celebrated, and art which does not will be judged inferior, caution ed against, and (if necessary) destroyed. Moral outrage as well as logical argument have been the motivating forces behind pragmatic criticism throughout history. The tension created between this emotional and intellectual reaction to literature has created a wealth of criticism with varying degrees of success. Ironically, much like art's capacity to inspire diligence or decadence in a reader, pragmatic criticism encompasses both redemptive and destructive qualities.  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plato provides a foundational and absolute argument for pragmatic criticism. Excluding poetry from his ideal Republic, Plato attempts to completely undermine the power and authority of art. He justifies his position by claiming that "the power which poetry has of harming even the good (and there are very few who are not harmed) is surely an awful thing" (28). Because artists claim their imitations can speak to the true nature of things, circumventing the need for serious, calmly considered intellectual inquiry, art should not be pursued as a valuable endeavor. Art widens the gap between truth and the world of appearances, ironically by claiming to breach it. The artist promotes false images of truth and goodness by appealing to basic human passions, indulging "the irrational nature which has no discernment of greater and less, but thinks the same thing at one time great and at another small" (27). Art manufactures moral ambiguity, and to P lato this is unacceptable. Because it is deceptive and essentially superficial, all art must be controlled and delegitmized for all time.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Gilgameshs Lesson in Humility in Fosters The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay

Gilgamesh was destined to perfection from birth. He was created as a divine mortal, two thirds divine and one third human (5). He was a man destined to live a lavish life with all the riches a man could ever want. Unfortunately his arrogance and superior strength got in the way (Foster5). Gilgamesh was created by the gods to be perfect in every regard. But what the gods couldn't prepare him for was life and human emotions, instinct etc. Gilgamesh built a wall that protected Uruk, his home (3). He was destined to live a life like a god among his people. Gods played tug a war for the lack of better words with Gilgamesh's life. They controlled every aspect. This is where all Gilgamesh journey's began and where they would all bring him back to in the end. Ninsun Gilgamesh's mother prayed to Shamash, god of the sun asking him to protect Gilgamesh because he gave Gilgamesh a restless heart (24). Gilgamesh from birth was to play out the gods will and in doing so was always on one quest or another. First he built the wall for Ishtar, then befriended Enkidu to make peace in Uruk because t...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

French Macaron Recipe Research Essay

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C Place egg whites and cater sugar in a bowl and mix with electric mixer for 8-10 minutes (yes really), add gel food colouring and continue to mix for a further 30seconds. The mixture should look stiff and dry. Sift the almond meal and icing sugar and salt twice, discarding any almond lumps that are too big to pass through the seive. Fold into the egg white mixture. It should take roughly 50 folds until the mixture is smooth and a very viscous liquid, not runny. Over-mix and your macarons will be flat and have no foot, under mix and they will not be smooth on top – see the video for examples (troubleshooting is at the end of video). Pipe onto trays lined with baking paper, rap trays on the bench firmly (this prevents cracking) and then bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Check if one comes off the tray cleanly, if not bake for longer – if they are looking done on top move to the bottom shelf of the oven for the remaining time to help bake the base.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My World In 2050 Essay

The world in which I live in the year 2050 is only marginally different than the one we lived in fifty years ago. Communication technology at this point is really the only thing that has advanced in great leaps. see more:life in 2050 In 2050, there are no more wires used in communication. No phone lines, no cables. Everyone has a satellite transmitter in their homes that can be used to transmit live video/audio feeds to anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. This also means that the Internet is no longer dependant on modems, as we knew them at the turn of the century. Video imagers that allow people to communicate while seeing who you are speeking to have replaced the phones of the twentieth century. All banking, shopping and personal business can now be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This is probably the single most amazing thing about this time. Companies like FedEx, and UPS have become shipping giants of this time, with millions of employees and tens of thousands of offices all over the world. These companies are what make living in 2050 so unique. With more people spending less time going out to shop, shipping companies like these are the only way millions of people can survive. Back in the early 1980’s, I remember watching a movie called Aliens. I remember this well because there was a scene in the movie when Ripley, the main character, used a card inserted into a videophone that allowed her to see who she was talking to. At the time I was amazed at the special effects in this movie. Now of course all we need do is to speak the name and city of the person we want to talk to so that the communication computer can hear it and we are connected instantly. We no longer have to worry about garbled communications, or language barriers with the latest translator technology. Sure, the translators sound kind of boxy and computerize, but in time I think that even these bugs will be worked out. All in all, 2050 is an exciting time, and new things will be discovered every day. There is word that communication mega giant AT&T is developing a chip that can be implanted in the skull that would make  videophones obsolete in a few years. They say that all you have to do is think about calling someone and, boom, you are connected. Well, I guess only time will tell. For sure, seventy years ago, these things were probably considered outlandish ideas, but amazingly, life seems to imitate Sci-Fi. I mean, look at what the old Star Trek series did for Cell Phones.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Wireless and Fundamental Changes

Exhibit 1. 4 highlights the marketing implications of Internet technologies in the following categories: Bits not atoms, Mediating technology, Global reach, Network externality, Time moderator, Information equalizer, Scalable capacity, Open Standard, Market deconstruct, and Task Automation. What fundamental changes has the Internet brought to marketing? The balance of power is shifting to buyers—one of the most fundamental changes to marketing. Marketers have practically lost control of brand images due to blogs, online bulletin boards, and other online communication, and must consistently underpromise and overdeliver. Other changes: Market fragmentation. The Internet put finality to this trend by extending to its ultimate—a market size of one customer—and prompted marketers to create products and communication to small target groups. Death of distance. Geographic location is no longer a factor when collaborating with business partners, supply chain firms, or customers, or just chatting with friends. Time compression. Time is not a factor with Internet communication between firms and their stakeholders. Online stores can be open 24/7; people can communicate as their schedules permit; times zones disappear for managers collaborating with partners on other continents. Critical knowledge management. In the digital world, customer information is easy and inexpensive to gather, store, and analyze. Managers can track marketing results as plans are implemented, receiving play-by-play reports. However, turning huge databases into meaningful knowledge to guide strategic decisions is a major challenge. Interdisciplinary focus. Marketers must understand technology to harness its power. They do not have to personally develop the technologies, but they need to know enough to select appropriate suppliers and direct technology professionals. Intellectual capital rules. Imagination, creativity, and entrepreneurship are more important resources than financial capital. The internet properties that affect marketing are the web itself. The web allows information to travel faster throughout the whole world. Secondly, the existence of email contributes to a more efficient way of communication. Email also has sparked the ideas for another internet revolution, the social networks. A social network is based on Web 2. 0 where the web allows interactivity within the internet users community. The existence of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter keeps people online more often than before. Another example of internet properties that affect marketing is through blogs. There was a saying; â€Å"pen is sharper than sword†. With blogs, internet users are allowed to express their opinions and discussions worldwide. The wiki pages such as Wikipedia are places where people share knowledge about everything, including brands and other marketing related topics. With these internet properties, there are a few fundamental changes the internet has brought to marketing. Firstly, it changes the power shift from sellers to buyers. Consumers have the ability to share and review the products online where good products will be praised and inferior products will be critiqued everywhere through word of mouth or some would call it word of â€Å"mouse† (WOM). It is also through this process that consumers trust each other more than they trust the companies. This issue can be measured by the success of EBay in the online market where second-hand and unexpected products will be marketed in the website. One could get an item from EBay where no other can find such as unique products. The other big change to marketing approach due to internet is the market and media fragmentation. Before the existence of internet marketing, the brands will go through a series of supply chain before reaching to the†¦ What concerns about consumer privacy are raised by the increased use of wireless computing and handheld devices outside the home or workplace? here wireless devices can contain their financial and private information and those signals can be intercepted and other people can obtain information. 12. What concerns about consumer privacy are raised by the increased use of   wireless computing and handheld devices outside the home or workplace? The rapid proliferation of wireless networks outside the home and work place has resulted in increase d concern over privacy. In the digital context, privacy refers to two things: the â€Å"right to be left alone,† and the right to keep one’s personal information private (see chapter 5). With regard to wireless computing, one big concern is text message Spamming. As marketers gain access to cell phone numbers and even cell phone directories, many fear that unscrupulous marketers will overwhelm consumers with voice and text messages. Another concern is that people can intercept wireless transmissions, thus gaining access to personal information sent from PCs and other devices over wireless networks. Security issues with hard-line Internet connections with â€Å"always-on† services like DSL and cable were concern enough already. Now with services that broadcast data throughout the air freely available to everyone, consumers have reason to be even more concerned. The same issues with privacy, credit cards numbers, personal information, etc. apply, except now people can listen in and even jump onto your network with a Pringle’s can for an antennae and a little know how. Encryption standards are still widely debated, but it is likely the added convenience will win out in the end. In a future with mobile commerce and automated account transfers over wireless networks, security will become paramount.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Career Interest Profiler Essay

The results from my interest profiler were enterprising occupations, social occupations and conventional occupations. Enterprising occupations include starting up and carrying out projects. These occupations can involve leading people and making many decisions. Sometimes they require risk taking and often deal with business. Social occupations frequently involve working with, communicating with, and teaching people. These occupations often involve helping or providing service to others and conventional occupations frequently involve following set procedures and routines. These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas. Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow. The results of my competencies were organizing, strategizing, innovating, following instructions, adapting to change and entrepreneurial thinking. As stated in my career plan a lawyer, judge, supervisor of an office, administrative support worker, supervisor of protective service workers and supervisor of sales workers were examples of possible job titles that matched my competencies. According to my career plan the first result of my work culture preferences was supportive which includes a secure, stable environment, clearly defined jobs, goals and expectations, no conflicting demands, considerate management, focuses on employee welfare, lots of personal development and feedback, lots of recognition and celebration of success and a fun place to work. The second result was high powered which includes demanding jobs, career development, career advancement, the chance to learn new skills, the chance to try different jobs or work in different places, high salaries, likelihood of rapid promotion and other benefits. Last, but not least the third result was ethical which includes emphasis on fairness, active promotion of equal rights and justice for all, the chance to contribute positively to society and make a difference to people’s lives and an emphasis on social and environmental responsibility. After taking the assessments for my career interest profiler, competencies and work culture preferences, I have gained a lot of useful information about myself as well as in regards to what specific characteristics I possess and what type of employment opportunities I should be searching for. There was a ton of information to consider after looking at the results, but I feel as though I can take this information and apply it to my life as I am looking to advance within my career.

Friday, September 13, 2019

As I Shoped Essay Research Paper Kurt

As I Shoped Essay, Research Paper Kurt Baldwin English 101 As I Shopped With the growl of hungriness in my tummy, I decided to travel to the food market shop to shop for nutrient. I arrived at a busy scene of people seeking urgently to acquire their nutrient, and acquire out every bit shortly as possible. What caught my attending foremost was the acute noise of a small sandy haired boy running out of the shop every bit rapidly as his chubby small legs could take him. Shouting at the top of his lungs, he cried and passed me by. His tired looking female parent was running after him and naming his name, # 8220 ; Tommy, Tommy! # 8221 ; She was hardly maintaining up with him with her weaponries full of food markets. Thinking to myself that this is traveling to be an interesting escapade, I grabbed my cart and started to shop. Choosing first to look for some meat, I headed toward the meatman # 8217 ; s subdivision. Passing by a finely appareled adult male in suit and tie, I noticed he was taking between Velveeta cheese or the Fry # 8217 ; s trade name. With a satisfied expression across his face, he placed the glistening box of Velveeta back on the shelf, and tossed the Fry # 8217 ; s trade name into his cart. He so picked up his gait and walked down the aisle. I continued on to the meat section and found a nice stamp piece of ruddy steak that was instead thin. Looking across the counter, I spied the meatman cutting some porc. His combination of strong weaponries and his crisp knife easy cut through a half foot strip of bloody meat. As the ruddy juices oozed out the sides, I felt nauseating and decided to travel along. As I turned to travel to the bakeshop subdivision to pick out some staff of life when a instead big adult female dressed in a cheap faded bluish frock ran into me. Excusing herself, she rapidly grabbed a peculiarly fatty looking piece of meat and tossed it into her cart. Once in the bakeshop subdivision, I selected a 12 grain loaf of staff of life. The olfactory property of freshly cooked cinnamon buttockss caught my nose, doing me salivate. A portly adult female across from me ravenously looking for a piece of pie dropped a lemon meringue pie on the floor. Ignoring her blooper, she placed the crushed pie under a better looking pie. Looking about and seeing that I noticed her misbehavior, she gave me a guilty expression and turned around with her caput a small lower and left the scene every bit rapidly as possible. I picked up my list of food markets, look intoing them off one by one and decided that I had a good supply of nutrient. I headed toward the cheque out lines and found one that was shorter than the remainder, and stood in it. The gentleman in the aisle next to me caught my attending. He was being smacked across the face by his big, crimson married woman. She raged at him for gazing at a half dressed adult female on the screen of a magazine. The adult male apologized pitiably until her storming fury came to an terminal. Detecting she had made a scene, she went on with lading her food markets on the conveyer belt and proceeded to pay her measure. I did similarly, and pushed my cart toward the issue. I opened my bole and placed my food markets in. Climbing into my auto, I noticed my window had a crinkled bluish piece of paper on it. Tearing it from the window, I read, # 8220 ; Chinese nutrient! Lunch for two merely $ 8.00! # 8221 ; Looking around, I spied a immature adolescent with a dirty, white servers coat on. He placed the faux pass of paper on vehicles with such velocity that you might inquire if that is what he does all twenty-four hours long. I started up my engine, put it in cogwheel, and headed pl ace. about a book called as a shoped, summery

Green Sea Turtles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Green Sea Turtles - Essay Example Last section is regarding their predators and threats. The report is summarized in a concluding paragraph and APA referencing style has been used properly both for in-text citation and referencing. Introduction Green sea turtles, or honu (pronounced hoe'-new), are those reptiles whose ancestors, around 150 million years ago, were known to have evolved on land and then moved to sea. These turtles are one of the oldest species which has seen the evolution and extinction of dinosaurs. It is important to describe here the biological classification of green sea turtles. Kingdom Anamalia Phylum Chordata (vertebrates) Class Reptilia (reptiles) Order Chelonia (turtles and tortoises) Family Cheloniidae (true sea turtles) Genus Chelonia Species mydas sub-species aggazizi (Hawaiian population) Structural Traits Green sea turtles possess all the traits of reptiles and the other species of sea turtles. They are cold blooded animals, meaning that they change their body temperature according to the environment or, in other words, take body heat from the environment. They breathe air and have scales on their bodies like many other reptiles. They have got their name because of the color of their body fat which is green. This green color is because of the algae or limu that they eat. An adult green sea turtle weighs over 500 pounds. Like all other turtle species, green sea turtles possess a hard and bony outer structure called shell whose function is to provide protection to the turtle from predators. This hard shell covers both the dorsal and the ventral part of the turtle’s body and is known to be the hardest and an exceedingly developed weapon that any vertebrate can ever possess.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 110

Case Study Example Though there is no consensus with many members having dissenting opinions on the capacity of embracing technology to solve their problems at hand. Some of dissenting opinion with being pro technology is the capability that the technology bring, which the chief executive officer so much believe in and has to building trust when the subordinate are under the watch always with the spyware. This presents a problem of mistrust and fear within the company. Trust is needed for the company to be reputable and cooperative. It emerges that the transitioning from the founders of the company to the current CEO of the company did not have more of technology but it advanced. The previous regime based their property on the research that enabled them to know area of opportunity, threats and strength. With such knowledge, it was easy for the company to grow. The root cause of the stalemate and problem was the new chief executive office coming up with almost sudden change. According to research done by Carr & Trahant change is not something that should be done once but introduce slowly to allow people to familiarize with. The new chief executive came with philosophy of embracing technology which appeared to be skewed toward spying employees. This cause discourse within the board. The strategic position has negatively impacted by the problem in a number of ways. First the resistance of being pro technology delays the program. Use of spyware is also observe as absence of trust hence bringing the divisions in the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Statistical Analysis Math Speech or Presentation - 1

Statistical Analysis Math - Speech or Presentation Example A population is defined as the complete collection of all elements of the target groups (individuals, items or objects) whose characteristics are being studied (Brase and Brase 6). The population in this research is the total students in the second semester Bachelor of Human Resources class. A sample is defined as the subset of the population, which consists of a portion of the population selected for study (Brase and Brase 6). In this case, the sample in this research is the male and female students with slightly or very overweight. This is because these overweight students were being drawn and identified from the total 100 students, so the 100 students is the set and overweight students is the subset of the 100 students. The purpose of constructing the frequency table is to show the distribution of the percentages of male, female and total students with slightly or very overweight into classes or intervals. By constructing the classes or intervals, the percentages in the respective category can be fit into exactly one class. The frequency table with the design containing the class limit, class boundary and frequency of male, female and total students with slightly or very overweight was constructed in order for us to compare the data distribution clearly between the percentages of male, female and total students with slightly or very overweight. In order to evaluate is there any significance different between the mean percentages of male and female students with slightly of very overweight, two-tailed t-test analysis is carried out at the confidence interval of 90%. The mean percentages of the male students with slightly or very overweight is partially skewed to the right because the mode has a lower value than the median and mean has the lower value than the median, but in this case, the mean is slightly higher than the median, which in turn make the distribution partially skewed to the right. The mean percentages of the female students with

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The nature and purpose of World War II propaganda posters used in the Essay

The nature and purpose of World War II propaganda posters used in the US prior to and during US involvement in the war - Essay Example This is why the government had to use all means to persuade them to support its cause in the Second World War and this was done through the propagandists. The American propagandists struggled hard to persuade Americans to fully support the war to the end and ensure that the US emerges victorious. They used different forms of media to pass their message to the masses with the common objective being the fomentation of hatred to the enemy and backing the allied forces. They sold war bonds and encouraged Americans to work hard to produce more so that the soldiers could be well supplied with the basic needs and weapons. This paper focuses on the purpose of World War II propaganda posters that were used prior to and during the US involvement in the war. Snow (2010) asserts that the United States employed the use of posters more than any other media of broadcasting in spreading the war propaganda. In fact it produced the highest number of posters compared to the other countries that took part in the Second World War. These posters had different themes which are as follows: Recruitment, secrecy, conservation, home efforts and production. Their placement was done strategically in areas that didn’t have paid advertisements like in schools, railroad stations, restaurants, post offices and retail stores. Apartment buildings and windows of private homes also played a role as they were used for the smaller posters. These are locations that no other media of propaganda could be used but the message had to be passed to the Americans nonetheless. The government delegated the duty of producing and distributing these posters to the Office of War Information (OWI) Bureau of Graphics. The common feature of the messages circulated in these p osters was positivity as they emphasized tradition, duty and patriotism throughout the campaign (Figure 2). There was need to step up the production process and conserve materials for the war effort because this was a very strong weapon that the allied forces relied on. Figure 3 was used a lot and it was among the first posters to be used by the American propagandists. Its message to the Americans was that the threat of the Nazi is close home than they are aware of. The dark Nazi swastika is looming over a group of innocent patriotic American children who are not even aware of what is going on. Americans were being persuaded that through buying the bonds and making their contributions to the war efforts, the fate of these innocent children could be changed as they could be saved from such evils. The viewers are being urged to buy the bonds because the government was just emerging from depression and did not have the money to stage war on multiple fronts (Jowett & O'Donnell, 2006). T hey were therefore being urged to help the government fight this war through their contributions as it was geared towards bringing peace to America. This poster was very vital during the early days of the war but its use declined in the course of the war when it became apparent that the Nazi threat was on the brink of elimination; financial help was therefore not required at this time. Figure 4 displays an image showing a man dying because someone talked; enemies had send spies to the United States therefore people had to be very cautious with what they say to people they don’t trust. The American government believed that a small leakage of information to the Germans would be terrible news to the Americans as the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Fashion leg wear Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fashion leg wear - Research Paper Example These socks were split-toes, meaning they were suitable for wearing with slippers. The socks were woolen because wool was the material for the earliest hosiery known. The socks were up to ankle-length and were not as long as stockings (Rachel, par.1). People used wool and mixed wool in the production of the earliest forms of hosiery. Originally, stockings worn by men were brighter in color than those belonging to the women were. Men put on decorated stockings under their short to add glamor to their look. The decoration of socks and shorts was a common practice among boy scouts and soldiers after winning a war. As a show of their pride, when the men returned from war, they ripped their shorts and added colorful stockings to their look. Women, on the other hand, wore dull colored stockings that were invisible for the better part of the 19th century. Women’s stockings were invisible due to the very long skirts worn at the time. The main purpose of stockings during this period was to provide warmth and prevent frostbites (All about shoes 32). The invention of the machine used for knitting in 1589 was an improvement from hand woven stockings. The device improved both the rate and quality of hosiery made. The machine mainly made stockings from wool and cotton. It is also important to note that men wore most of the earliest forms of hosiery. Therefore, the stockings knitted by the machines were for men. Women were not in the picture up to later in the century (Rachel par. 2). Early into the 20th century, hosiery production shifted from the use of wool to use of cotton. Knitting machines were very useful in the making of stockings, especially those made from cotton. A type of cotton that was well polished, known as Lisle was also very common in the knitting of stockings. In both the 19th and early 20th century, men and women wore stockings to provide warmth. The

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Critical Success Factors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Critical Success Factors - Essay Example In the past, there has been a great focus on various leadership competencies in the organization, but the specific focus on the project manager and its competencies has been less effective and progressive. The general characteristics of project managers are that they are intelligent and above average in comparison to another employee within the organization. These characteristic traits plus others have been summed up together by different researchers and simply put together as leadership competencies. Other traits that have been identified by other researchers are related to behavior, motivation, energy, and communication skills. It is evident that there is a positive correlation between character traits and project success. One of the greatest researcher Hogan claim that, the success of a project is greatly determined by the personality of an individual. Other researchers like Anderson draw the intention of the organization while selecting project managers. In 1998 Pinto and trailer carried out a study to identify the characteristic of a project leader and they came up with the following characteristics; credibility of the leader, problem-solving capability, flexible management style and good communication skills and tolerance. The same researchers deliberate on the most desired qualities of project managers that are, administrative skills, technical skills, and vision and leadership examples. These managers should posse’s adequate technical skills and knowledge in a certain field.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Definition of Nationalism In Different Regions and Countries Essay

The Definition of Nationalism In Different Regions and Countries - Essay Example It was Indian peasantry that formed a major force in the national liberation movement in the interwar period. To involve a broad amount of population into this movement, it was needed to take into account socio-psychological characteristics of the Indian peasantry and urban workers, yesterday’s peasants. A prominent role in the organization of mass non-violent campaign of the resistance to the colonial regime in the 20 - 40’s of the 20th century belonged to Mahatma Gandhi. He was the one to shape India national ideology. Thanks to Gandhi, the idea of the absolute independence of India was put forward. In this respect, Indian nationalism acquired the traits of Gandhi’s ideas.Gandhism resonated with wide layers of the peasantry and the urban poor because it was connected with the social ideal of the belief that the struggle for independence from British rule, is a struggle for justice. Gandhi drew upon his appeals from cultural, historical, and religious traditions that were familiar to peasants. Therefore, the demands for independence and the transformation of the society were explained in the traditional way and were clear to the dozens of millions of Indians. The tactical method of Gandhism was marked with the understanding of the traditions and psychology of the peasants. It was a method of nonviolent resistance. Gandhi’s active protest was combined with the tolerance to the enemy. Nonviolent resistance was considered as the only possible form of struggle with the colonial regime.... Prominent role in the organization of mass non-violent campaign of the resistance to the colonial regime in the 20 - 40’s of the 20th century belonged to Mahatma Gandhi. He was the one to shape India national ideology. Thanks to Gandhi, the idea of the absolute independence of India was put forward. In this respect, Indian nationalism acquired the traits of Gandhi’s ideas. Gandhism resonated with wide layers of peasantry and the urban poor, because it was connected with the social ideal of the belief that the struggle for independence from British rule, is a struggle for justice. Gandhi drew upon his appeals from cultural, historical, and religious traditions that were familiar to peasants. Therefore, the demands for independence and the transformation of the society were explained in the traditional way and were clear to the dozens of millions of Indians. The tactical method of Gandhism was marked with the understanding of the traditions and psychology of the peasants. It was a method of nonviolent resistance (boycott, peaceful marches, denial of cooperation). Gandhi’s active protest was combined with the tolerance to the enemy. Nonviolent resistance was considered as the only possible form of struggle with the colonial regime. Gandhi rejected the class struggle as a destabilizing factor the separates the nation and makes the liberation from the foreign rule impossible (Spielvogel 927). The Indian nation was united according to the primordial racial idea. So, there was a clear understanding the colonizers were the odd element in the national state structure. Gandhism tied together peasants, artisans, and the national bourgeoisie. Finally,